Monique ~ Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews

Reader and Reviewer of M/M Romance

Mountain Rescue - L.M. Somerton

3.50 stars

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This book started out great and I absolutely love L.M. Somerton's writing style and the two characters Ford and Cal were well developed and perfect in their D/s roles… I did however feel that they were both very similar in personality and characteristics to Ben and Lucien in Stroke rate but overall this was an enjoyable read.

Cal has lost his family to a tragic car accident and decides to make a fresh start in the house he has inherited from his Aunt in the Lake District. Here he meets Ford Collister the owner of the outdoor goods shop Mountain and is immediately intimidated by his stern and gruff behaviour, which was making him nervous and self conscious with feelings he was unable to understand.

Ford is just my kind of man and I would love to have him whisk me off my feet, he is all gorgeous and growly and so assertive, poor Cal doesn’t stand a chance under the intense scrutiny and glare of this overbearing man. However Cal is no pushover and enjoys pushing Ford’s buttons with his resistance and stubbornness but Ford gives him something he never realised he needed, something that had been lying dormant inside and is now was wide awake and pleading for more at the hands of this dominant all alpha male.

I loved Cal’s innocence and naivety he is an adorable character who was a little lost with the death of his family and looking to find his way in the world and for all Ford’s arrogant and controlling nature, behind that facade he was a caring and compassionate man who himself had dealt with a tragedy and was a little scared and apprehensive of opening his heart again to another, the sex scenes were HOT as L.M. Somerton certainly knows how to turn the heat up, however, this book is not only about the relationship between our two MC’s, there is some action and unfortunately this is where it fell a little flat for me. There are two incidents which put Cal’s life in danger and for such a short book they lost their impact, one would have been OK and blended perfectly but I felt the second was added to flesh out the story and was thin and unnecessary, where personally that book time would have been better used getting to know more about Cal and Ford.

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The Good Boy - Lisa Henry, J.A. Rock

*Note added to end of review re- the puppy play element of the story ~ for those that may be put off by that aspect.

5 Un-bloody-believably-brilliant and emotional stars… the first collaboration between Lisa Henry and J.A. Rock and I want more

The Good Boy 2

I have been looking forward to this book for a few weeks now, loved the synopsis and had a whole load of cover lust going on, and after reading some pretty emotional books recently, this looked perfect. Most of my friends know I love the darker side of the m-m genre with plenty of kink and lots of smut… again this looked perfect! However this book was sooOoo not what I was expecting, it was gut wrenchingly emotional and tore my heart to shreds, the prose had me so absorbed and invested in not only the two MC’s but a whole cast of characters that had me both laughing and crying. I literally couldn’t put this book down, the underlying plot was excellent and very well developed to the point where I was ready to dish out some of my own brand of pain to such selfish, materialistic self centred parents… Grrr!!!

Landon Moredock is alone and lost with only $6.75 to his name, with no friends, his Mother arrested and his father on the run, he is thrown out of his family home by the FBI and is living in a dirty, cheap, ant infested motel and hounded by the press. The media portrays him as a rich playboy, the spoilt and over indulged son of security fraudsters, convinced that Lane knows where the money is, and is in fact hiding it in offshore accounts… but they couldn’t be further from the truth, Lane was as much a victim of his parents greed as all the others they had swindled out of their life savings and investments.

Turning to a family friend Acton Wagner for help he is coerced into making a terrible decision, Acton took advantage of his predicament and used Lane’s trust and vulnerability against him. Acton himself had been burned by Lane’s parents and all that anger and hate was focused on a boy that only wanted to be loved and cared for.

Derek Fields is a photographer yet another victim of the scam and has every reason to hate Landon, and he like everyone else is convinced the boy knows more than he is letting on. Only Derek starts to feel compassion towards Lane… and his innocence, demeanour, all the things that scream sub call to his inner Dom to care and look after him despite his reservations, but it was more than that, he wanted to protect him.

Derek is a lonely, slightly disillusioned with life and a Dom without a sub, not interested in the club scene and at 37 he really just wants someone to share his life with. Lane at 20 is young and badly damaged by not only his parents but also his experience with Acton. Growing up he was thrown into a world he was unable to cope with, the money and status were all his parents dreams and not his own, Lane was an introvert wanting to be inconspicuous, nervous and panicked at any attention. He was lost... never having the love and affection of his parents, he just wants to be loved and his body craves something his mind doesn’t fully understand.

The relationship between these two was incredibly beautiful, Lane just broke my heart and Derek was patent and understanding slowly coaxing him out of his shell, showing him what it is like to be loved, all endorsed by Derek’s amazing family and friends and slowly dispelling Lane’s misconceptions of BDSM. Involving Lane in his work, his sisters menagerie of shelter animals also helped as he could connect with the animals that were unwanted.

"I wish there was a way to tell him I'm not abandoning him" Lane said. "But he won't know. He'll miss me, and he'll wonder why I don't come back. Dogs don't know, do they? I remember reading this story when I was a kid, about a guy who went to war and got killed, and his dog waited for him at the railway station for years." His voice cracked. "Dogs don't understand"

This book is not a sex fest, in fact there is no sex until the last third of the book. There are some pretty brutal acts and although they are off page and a recollection, they still made me want to do some serious damage, also the BDSM is not an inherent part of the book, there is some spanking and mild puppy play but no club scenes or hard core BDSM play… Lane had been abused and Derek’s first and only concern was for Lane’s welfare and safety. This is more about trust, earning it and deserving it. It was about learning to accept and acknowledge a desire as a positive rather than something perverse and how forgiveness and understanding go a long way to help heal a boy that blamed himself for the deeds of others.

If this is the first collaboration from Lisa Henry and J.A. Rock then I am hoping they get their heads together like NOW and start writing some more. This is an excellent book and their writing skills are showcased to perfection, seamlessly woven together and I couldn’t tell you where one began and the other ended. I fell in love with them and the amazing characters they created.

I would just like to add if you are not a person that it happy about the puppy play in this book, which to me was more a therapeutic exercise than a sexual one please see Emma's review she describes it to perfection.

This ARC was provide courtesy of Loose Id for a fair and honest review

For more reviews, please check out Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews and you can also find us on Facebook
Lover at Last - J.R. Ward Excellent… a game changer in the m-m genre and J.R. Ward delivered.

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I love J.R. Ward and this series is mouth wateringly delicious, and like so many others I sit impatiently awaiting each next instalment, running scenarios and pairings through my head, trying to anticipate where she will take us next… and as an m-m reader, I was desperate for her to get this one right…

As usual we not only have the main story, Ms Ward also gives us side-plots, flipping back and forth between them all, leaving threads dangling, some picked up and seamlessly weaved back into the fabric of the story and others still unresolved leaving us to speculate her next move. There is not a moment of complacency, you might think you know where she is taking you and then a spanner is thrown in the works to take us in another direction… I was enthralled and captivated, and yes, at times frustrated and impatient but still turning the pages at an alarming rate, trying to absorb and digest each new piece of information. For me, reading this series is like catching up with family, sitting round the table and soaking up all the gossip… hanging onto every word and just being nosy as to the how, what, when, where, who and the why’s of it all… and loving every minute!

The Band of Bastards are still in the periphery, Xcor is rethinking his plans on overthrowing Wrath. The lesser’s are back and trying to rebuild their numbers and finances and seemed to have evolved somehow!?! We have a new character Sola, a love interest and someone I think will be further developed in the next book. Assail turns out to be far more interesting than I was lead to believe in the last book… not only that but he is very dark and domineering and was certainly pressing my kink buttons! Haver’s is still an obnoxious arse, and another of the side plots involved the two Shadow Brothers Trez and iAm… I really enjoyed getting to know these two who have previously just been background decoration. Trez is quite a character, a bit of a man whore, petulant at times but he brought some humour into the book and made me smile. An old character reappears and I can’t wait to see how that one is handled, the Brothers and their mates as usual dip in and out, with the usual undercurrent of snarky humour with Fritz the silent constant always in the background.

This book however is about the two boys we grew to love way back, when they were just themselves peripheral characters, pre trans vampires and John Matthews best friends. As readers we have always been able to see what they themselves were unable to fathom, that they did truly love one another, which is why it has been so agonisingly frustrating for us.

What is so beautiful about this story is that we really get to see the vulnerability behind the persona of the tough warrior unaffected by what life throws at him, a bitter and angry man whore, but ultimately he was just a lost soul, the child who had so longed for the love and affection he had always been denied, who felt alone in the world despite being surrounded by friends. Qhuinn doesn’t see himself as important, his parents had done a great job of destroying his confidence, and he saw himself as flawed and nothing more than a reject, ostracised by his family and the glymera. Initially he dismissed his feelings for Blay, so being gay could not be added to the long list of fuck ups… but now it was because he felt himself not deserving of Blay’s love. Blay is totally unselfish, caring and compassionate, a man of worth, with strong principles, a gentlemale, with all the finesse and finery that goes with it, yes, he is still a warrior of strength and honour and a fighter like the others but his private life is more suited to a man of Saxtons aristocratic bearing.

Lover quote

Where we had always seen Blay as the character that wore his heart on his sleeve the roles were now reversed, Blay over the years of pain, hurt and rejection from the man he loves is now resigned to the fact that Qhuinn will never admit to his feelings so he had taken control of his life and emotions and had grown up in the last year he had spent with Saxton, convincing himself that Qhuinn was with Layla and he had finally found a female with whom he wanted to have young and mate with.

This would not be a J.R. Ward book if she didn’t lead us down the tortuous path of the usual lack of communication and misunderstandings causing us undue stress. But we moved along to see that soul shattering hurt dispelled by bonds between them that were deeper than just sex, their relationship had been founded on friendship and a life shared with moments that they both treasured, and yes, they had lost their way… but together, they were all I was hoping for, their passion was intense, erotic and sensual with heart melting moments that just had me in tears.

Lover at last quote

If I wasn’t reviewing this book, I could quite happily throw 5 stars at it… a) Because it’s J.R. Ward. b) It’s Qhuinn and Blay’s book. c) I couldn’t put the bloody thing down, snarling at anyone that dared interrupt me… But, as an m-m reader somehow I felt slightly cheated… we have 591 pages to finally get these boys some quality time, and yes they do get all hot and heavy with some very cold shower, panty melting moments but the out pouring of emotions was left to the end, which was beautiful and heart felt and just perfect, but we could have had the same ending but more emotional connection earlier on in the book rather than driving the angst card to the limit. There were other issues with the dealing of the relationship but I don’t want to put spoilers out there for those still yet to read it.

Overall… I loved it, how could you not with our two boys and we are set up nicely for the next book and yet again trying to anticipate where the lovely Ms Ward will next take us on our journey with the Black Dagger Brotherhood.

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City Mouse - Amy Lane, Aleksandr Voinov Fabulous follow up to County Mouse… and I am just loving this Voinov ~ Lane collaboration.

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These two talented writers have delivered an excellent second instalment to the Country Mouse series, the pace and the emotions that it evoked had me devouring page by fabulous page with the authors also getting into their stride as we get to know these characters, and not forgetting more luscious smexy loving between out two MC’s. Owen will always be an absolute darling and Malcolm will constantly need to be gently coerced in the right direction by Owens unassuming disposition.

In the last book, Malcolm was irritating and a thoroughly unpleasant man, but I warmed to him when we at last saw the sensitive side to his nature. So at the start of this book, which follows immediately after the first I was expecting more of that vulnerability from Malcolm. Mmm… after he so beautifully opened his heart and managed to convince the adorable Owen to be a part of his life and stay in London, they have the weekend together and it is back to the rat race for Malcolm, leaving Owen to consider his options and look for gainful employment.

Malcolm thinks the perfect place for Owen to start looking for a job would be the financial sector in the city but Owen couldn't think of anything worse than working with people that are full of there own importance. Owen likes the simple things in life and what he wants most is to be happy and loved, wealth and social standing are worthless to him in the grand scheme of things and certainly not his priority. So when Owen finds a job as a Computer technician in a part of London with a postcode that to Malcolm screams poverty and crime he is mortified!

Malcolm see’s Owens Job, working in Brixton at a tatty co-operative that had seen better days, as well as the pittance he was being paid for the privilege as demeaning, and as Malcom’s job is becoming more demanding of his time and Owen is left home alone he is beginning to wonder just how long it will take for Owen to get pissed off with it all. Is there honeymoon period over?

Malcolm again ended up annoying me, he wasn’t very likeable at all and being inside his head was quite disconcerting, he was rude, jealous, pretentious, shallow and vain! and his only redeeming quality was that he was damn lucky to have such a sweet man that could obviously see past the power hungry persona, where appearance and social standing are so important.

Owen isn’t easily flustered and he is extremely patient, I know I personally would have punched Malcolm on the nose but Owen is vibrant and full of life and fun, and his heart is bursting with love… his glass is always half full compared to Malcolm's who’s is half empty, and the authors did a great job of developing their relationship further, and we see them get through another tumultuous stage in their relationship. Malcolm needs Owen to open his eyes to the wonders of life, he is so full of understanding and thoughtfulness that he can see the strength of the man who bared his soul when he thought he might lose the only person he had ever loved. Oh…. Malcolm still has faults aplenty but with Owen to keep him grounded he can see through the pretentious world and recognise the most valuable thing you can have actually costs nothing and is freely given.

This ARC was provided by Riptide Publishing through NetGalley

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What You See Isn't Always What You Get - Faith Ashlin An excellent 4.5 star read from Faith Ashlin that will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions… it is a deeply moving love story that will have you totally engrossed and at times just break your heart.

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Firstly, this book is excellent and most definitely not what I was expecting, It is a beautiful love story, a sad yet hopeful tale of overcoming life's obstacles and finding true happiness with a few heart stopping moments along the way. It was poignantly delivered with evocative dialog from Faith Ashlin who is definitely an author to watch. The world building is vague, it’s of our time, but not, and starts 5 years after the war fought by freedom fighters against the old regime to abolish slavery, and even though the war had ended and slavery abolished there were still those against it and some slaves that had slipped through the net, Denny being one of them.

Grady Porter had been Richards Fathers pleasure slave, badly mistreated and abused by his Father and friends, Richard at the age of 18 escapes with the injured Grady, the man he loved, and nurses him back to health and eventually started the Freedom Fighters Movement of which Grady was a leader. Only now Grady was dead and a martyr to the cause, his death bringing about the end of the war, and Richard had been alone for 5 years grieving for his lost love thinking he would never have that love again. Resigned to that fact and willing to move on he agrees to a relationship with a member from another movement to build alliances… only Richard has little or no sexual experience as Grady had been too traumatized by his past experiences. Richard as a leader of the uprising has a persona of strength, authority and an air of confidence which was all very different to the private man and now needs help before going through with his plan.

Denny had been a slave since he had been taken away from his Mother as a child, eventually escaping but ends up being picked up off the streets by more slavers until Richard shows up. Rescuing Denny from the slavers was first and foremost to give him his freedom but Richard has an ulterior motive and thankfully Denny accepts his proposal. Denny was going to have to teach Richard how to relax, not hold himself back and learn how to touch and receive the sensual pleasure that has so far been missing from his life, abandon his self control and learn how to feel.

Denny is funny, he is easy going and accepting of his lot in life, he may have been a slave but he seemed to be more mentally and emotionally more stable compared to Richard who is mentally badly damaged from his past, he has no confidence and there is a naiveté and vulnerability to him but there is no question of his honour and strength in the face of adversity.

Denny’s excitement of the simple things in life such as shopping and eating just touched my heart, I could see him all wide eyed in wonderland, excited and overwhelmed by it all and actually having a choice was almost too much to comprehend. Denny brought a light to Richards life that had been missing for such a long time and his effect on him was a joy to watch as his steely resolve and control was slowly cracked and his heart was opened finally seeing that it was possible to love again and to compromise for the sake of the movement would be doing himself an injustice. In turn Richard had shown Denny that a mans word can be given and meant, he learned to trust and that there is not always a price to pay for things in life but most of all that Denny had the free will and freedom to do whatever he wanted in life.

Together they were just beautiful, learning and growing together the dark clouds from their lives were brushed away and the world was suddenly full of sunshine, as a slave Denny had not owned or had anything that belonged to him and now he had Richard and he was more than he could wish for and Richard learned to love again, not just emotionally but also physically but the road to get there was not a smooth one, it is tortuous and fraught with emotion but a journey I was totally captivated and engrossed by.

I highly recommend this book, Ms Ashlin has brought us two characters, both with very different voices and personalities, both flawed but perfectly believable. We also have a cast of secondary characters also well developed and who fit nicely into the tale. If you are looking for amazing world building you will not find it in this book, that part is vague but for me that wasn’t an issue and is certainly not a criticism. The sex is most definitely hot and steamy, and as Richard is having to learn it all from scratch we are treated to a lot of passion and as a smut lover, it certainly kept me entertained. I went into this novel expecting dark fiction involving slave traders, what I got was totally different and unexpected but I couldn’t put it down.

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Keeping Sweets - Cate Ashwood Excellent debut Novel from the very talented Cate Ashwood, a story of tortured hearts and selfless love… and I couldn't put it down 4.25 luscious stars.

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When I read the blurb on a book and it mentions gay porn… you can be assured it will end up on my reading list, and I picked this book up to read today and couldn’t put the damn thing down!  There is great character development, the sex is most definitely sizzling and cold shower worthy, the story kept me riveted and engrossed plus this is a debut novel for the talented writer Cate Ashwood and all I can say is Cate – this is an excellent start and well done, I can’t wait to see what you have to bring us next.

Phil, Evans stepfather is a drunk, the very same thing that had taken his Mother from him. Now Graduation was nearly upon Evan, Phil is ready to Kick him out of house and home to fend for himself and not soon enough in his verbally abusive opinion… Bastard!! Despite this Evan was self motivated and wanted to succeed and dreamed of being a Marine Biologist, despite the fact he had never seen the ocean, so he worked hard to gain a scholarship to university but he still needed a job to sustain himself. When he see’s an advert for Adult Modelling, Mmm… in other words porn, for a few weeks on location over the summer he applies. But even though Evan was a mature 18 year old, he was still naive and innocent, a virgin in anything intimate including sex and kissing and checking out the website leaves him more than a little afraid but also tempted by the gorgeous Noah who will be present for his interview.

Brandon Court at 27 had been in the Adult Industry for 10 years. Noah Conway was his on screen persona, one he separated himself from when not working… Jaded with the life and certainly not needing to do it for financial reasons he is thinking of retiring. When Evan and Brandon meet, it is lust at first sight for both of them, for Brandon, Evan is the perfect twink, young and innocent and the boy had an effect on him that was totally throwing him off balance and threatening his usual detachment. Evan is awkward and obviously lacking in self confidence especially when it comes to anything sexual, but he connects in such a way with Bran that he makes him feel at ease and he trusts him more than he has trusted anyone.

Evan and Bran’s first time together was perfect, they were totally consumed with each other, it was beautifully intense and slowly sensual with Bran pouring all the lust, passion and love he felt for Evan into taking the upmost care and making it special… and for Evan that is exactly what it was. Evan had lit a fire within Bran that could never be extinguished and the ice surrounding his heart had already melted. For Evan, Bran made him feel cherished and loved something he had never experienced even when his Mother had been alive… and every fibre of his being was calling out to Bran.

For all Noah’s confidence and his sexual predators charisma in front of the camera, Brandon was insecure and lonely, he thought the only thing in life that he had ever succeeded in was fucking... and that was not something you wanted on your CV! Brandon was in a hopeless puddle of lust over Evan and his body was yearning for something his mind was telling him was a big, No, No. And being impartial and distant was going to take all his strength.

These two men are broken and damaged and all they need is a little communication to find true happiness with someone they love, but it wouldn’t be a novel of any worth if we didn’t have a little misunderstanding and lack of communication!  Evan who had been starved of love and affection all his life, now craves human contact and all the feelings and emotions that have been absent in his short life… even the hand of friendship was something unfamiliar to him and he wants Bran, no one else will do, his heart will not allow it.  Unselfishly Bran doesn’t want Evan to have the stigma of firstly being with someone much older than him and secondly that the person is a washed up porn star. He feels Evan is still too young, he has his education and his whole life before him and what he feels for Bran is merely a crush. Loving Evan had shone a glaring light on the fact that his whole existence had been meaningless, sad and lonely, before he’d met him, but his conscience will not allow him to waver.

I loved both our MC’s and we also had an insight into some of the other porn stars that were on location at the house and I am wondering if Ms. Ashwood may be picking one of them up for a future novel!?! My only grumble was the conversation at the beginning felt a little uncomfortable, stilted and for me it didn’t seem to flow but later on in the book it was fine. Other than that it was an excellent read. Oh and the title of the book Keeping Sweets, if you are thinking it a little odd, Bran’s pet name for Evan was Sweets, not one of my most favourite endearments, but he was sweet.

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The Art of Touch - Dominique Frost A fabulous read from a new Author I will definitely be keeping an eye on.


This is Dominique Frosts debut, it is a novella but in my opinion she shows great promise for future releases. The characters are most definitely three dimensional and the story totally engaging and certainly had me laughing out loud on more than one occasion.

The story is told completely from Jared’s point of view and I have to say he is an obnoxious and thoroughly unpleasant man, he’s a Lawyer and director of the family firm, he is consumed by work with little or no time for relationships of any kind. His lovely secretary Vanessa, who deserves a medal for putting up with him, practically has to blackmail him into going for a massage that in her opinion is essential to his well being, as well as the rest of the employees that might run into his foul temper!

Jared is irritable and cranky and the last place he wants to be is getting a massage, it is far too time consuming and pointless especially when the "baby twink” Kyle, doesn’t look old enough to be shaving never mind being a fully trained and experienced therapist. Kyle is calm and courteous with an undertone of polite sarcasm, I would really have loved to be in his head when he met Jared, I could imagine the expletives pinging around, and if it had been me, I would have slung the rude, arrogant, self important idiot out on his arse!

Surprisingly Jared feels relaxed and de-stressed and is convinced the baby twink has drugged him in some way… he is not one willing to admit when he is wrong! Kyle and his massages are actually improving his disposition which has been noticed at work and Kyle intrigues him, he is not intimidated by his gruff manner and refuses to kowtow to him, and is unimpressed by Jared’s wealth and status. Bickering and snarky comments are the norm between these two, which was really their lust coming forth without either of them understanding why and Jared finds himself jealous of the time that Kyle spends with other clients.

We don’t get a glimpse into Kyle’s inner machinations but from observation through Jared’s eyes there is an obvious mutual attraction and Jared is so out of touch with his sensitive side he is oblivious. Kyle has to be the forward thinking one to get them anywhere near some kind of relationship and it was lovely to see the vulnerable, compassionate, caring and considerate side to a man that had himself been starved of affection. Kyle is a funny, cheeky and charming character who was just adorable and made Jared realise that the World did not in fact revolve around him alone.

I do think this novella could have become a novel, there was enough character development to warrant more from these two and I was actually quite sad when I had finished as I really wanted to see the relationship as it developed. There is kind of an insta love thing going on but really it happens over weeks and Jared has no idea initially anyway! If you are looking for instant sexual gratification in this book you will be disappointed as they don't actually get down and dirty till almost the end, but there is more than enough to keep you occupied until then with their humorous interactions and some very interesting secondary characters, namely Vanessa the secretary and Jared’s interfering and overprotective Uncle!

I thoroughly enjoyed this first book from Ms Frost, it was a fun and easy read and I look forward to seeing what else she will be delighting us with.

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This ARC was provided by Loose Id, for a fair and honest review
Plugs (Sealed with a Kink Series, Book One) - Sean Michael This is most definitely Sealed with a Kinky Kiss

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Blake is bursting with anticipation for his Master, after a year of waiting, today was the day when he was going to seal the deal so to speak! Only that would be too easy… and we have a whole novella to fill with tantalising teasing of the BDSM kind!

Blake has been with his Master Archer for a year now training to be the perfect sub, and in the eyes Archer he is, only yet again Blake is being punished for doing something wrong and he can only see it as failing his Master which compounds his frustration and threatens the scene. Archer becomes concerned as to why Blake would think himself any less than perfect and blames his own inadequacies as a Master for not praising enough and using a scene as punishment when it should really be called a side trip where they can prolong the anticipation of the final act... and Oh boy, those six plugs are one slow agonising, frustratingly erotic BDSM long tease!

This is what it is… a PWP. But we do also see the loving side of a D/s relationship as it is based on trust and their love for each other is undeniable. I enjoyed my little kink fix!

For more review, please check out Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews and you can also find us on Facebook
Royal Flush - Sean Michael This Novella is a little slice of Sean Michael BDSM kinky fuckery, it makes no excuses for itself and basically gets off to a flying start, so if you like a little titillation between the nice easy sweet reads, and BDSM is your thing then this is a perfect filler.... 3.5 stars
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I suggest you read the blub before reading the book as it basically gives you the background to the story that you don’t get from the book. Royal had been a good cop, ten years on the force, eight years in homicide and three years undercover… and that’s where it went all wrong!

Royal had been undercover as a sub and his partner Mike had been his Master… only the assignment had uncovered something deep inside Royal that he had never realised he wanted, never mind needed. Being a sub for Mike had felt right, only Mike was disgusted by it, not only that Royal was gay but the fact that he was so needy and responsive to being a sub. Royal was ashamed and humiliated and repulsed by his own weakness, his mind was telling him one thing and his body was saying something completely different.

Bone is just OMG, a serious panty melting Dom, who oozes power on page! He had met Royal 3 years previous and had been unable to forget the beautiful man and the natural sub within, he finds him by chance, a very angry and depressed damaged soul who has lost all direction and Bone wants to show him that his needs are nothing to be ashamed of.

I loved Bone, all tattoos and piercings, he made Royal feel safe, cherished took control and gave him what he needed, showing him he had nothing to feel ashamed of and that what he felt and what he gave of himself was not weak, he was strong… and for Bone he was just exquisite.

Again this is really a PWP, but I enjoyed it, probably just what I needed, a bit more of a story to it than the last one and I really felt for Royal, and Bone the big bad Dom was just totally smitten.

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If It Flies - Aleksandr Voinov, L.A. Witt All work and no play makes Spencer a dull boy! and I hate to say it but until the last 20% of the book things don’t improve!

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I am a huge Aleksandr Voinov fan and have grown to love L.A Witt in the previous instalments of The Market Garden series, but unfortunately If It Flies didn’t fly for me!

I am actually lost for words… Ha, me speechless, now that doesn't happen often. Usually I can waffle on for pages in awe of Mr Voinov’s writing even the two previous short novellas from these two great authors produced plenty of inspiration and effusive dialogue. I loved Tristan and Jared and instantly engaged with the characters and was invested in their story, the fact that it was off the charts hot and smouldering with lots of luscious sex also helped. So what went wrong? same two authors but two new characters!

Persuaded by his friend Percy, Spencer joins him for a night at Market Garden, the high class whore house catering to all needs and requirements. While adjusting his eyes to the darkness he see’s a vision of blond hair and green eyes dressed in low slung leather trousers and bare chest with nipple piercings walking towards him. Spencer, not sure what he wants and has absolutely no idea of the protocol in such an establishment, is tongue tied and totally out of his comfort zone, wishing only for the ground to open up and swallow him whole!

As a Lawyer, Spencer was the one usually in control, yet somehow Nick had an inexplicable power over him and although he questioned Nick’s commands in his mind, Spencer’s body had already reacted. Spencer trusts Nick, he wasn’t sure why but he was enjoying his voyage of discovery in to the world of BDSM, and embracing his inner pain slut, Nick pushed the boundaries and every one of Spencer’s buttons to the point of euphoria, he did things to his body and took it to places he had never dreamed were possible… Being with Nick was all consuming, something he had never experienced before and he wants more!

The first third of the book was the meet and the first sex scene, now considering how smouldering Tristan and Jared were in such a short novella you would think that more page time for these two would see your kindle self combust, but unfortunately that was not the case. This is told form Spencer’s POV and on his own he was not engaging enough to keep my attention, I just couldn’t connect to him at all, with no personality or quirks to get excited about. Nick was a Dom, so I would expect him to radiate power when he appears on page yet all I got was detachment, he was aloof with no real conviction. The first sex scene was drawn out and totally uninspiring and for me to put a book down in the middle of a sex scene is unheard of!

The middle of the book was a little better, although we lost 3 months in a flash and I would have liked more time to see the relationship develop, and then their arrangement all of a sudden goes wrong! We have a little visit to a sex party that I didn’t quite see the point of and then at 20% FINALLY I got the characters and book I wanted. We saw a side to Nick I would have liked to see earlier, there was depth of emotion and feeling from him where we had previously had cold and calculating, I understand he is a prostitute and perhaps that was his way of dealing with it, but we were given nothing to endear him to us. The last few pages were heartfelt and actually quite beautiful and I only wish we had seen more of their character and personality earlier on in the book.

I still <3 you both and hope that it was just me that didn’t quite get it, maybe an off day, who knows! But it will certainly not deter me from reading more of the series. Please bring us more of Tristan and Jared as a couple I adore them!

2.5 - 3 star read

This ARC was provided by Riptide publishing through NetGalley

For more review, please check out Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews and you can also find us on Facebook

Scrap Metal

Scrap Metal - Harper Fox This book is currently FREE over on Amazon!!!

The Naughty Boy (Boy, #1.5)

The Naughty Boy - Lisa Henry, J.A. Rock This is a FREE read until 8th May over on Loose Id!!

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I was all kinds of happy when I found out Lisa Henry and J.A. Rock would be writing a novella about the hilarious and outrageous, endearing twink. He is definitely a larger than life character and a kaleidoscope of colour both inside and out… with his mouth very often, well actually all the time, engaging before brain with no filter whatsoever!

Brin who is The Naughty Boy, and if you have read The Good Boy, you would know all about his antics and attention seeking,  but there’s no changing him and Ferg  his lover is certainly happy with Brin’s bratty behaviour and knows exactly how to deal it!  But this story is actually quite touching and it was nice to see the less than confident, vulnerable side to Brin, the Brin who doesn’t play for the crowd with his innuendoes, ready smile and quick wit.

In this, we go back to the night Brin helps Lane prepare for his first date with Derek… where Brin’s over enthusiasm is enough to wear anyone out never mind Lane who is already interminably shy, self conscious and has absolutely no confidence in himself. So he spends most of his time with Brin turning various shades of red in embarrassment, but as flirty and flighty as the outrageous Brin is he genuinely cares about Lane and toning down the flamboyant nature is not something easily achieved.

Brin is an amazing character and I just adore him and in this story we see his soul searching, with a view into his mind we get to see the caring and compassionate Brin who’s persona is really just a defence mechanism and for the first time in his life he wanted to be more than the sum of his persona, he had wanted Lane to open up to him, he desperately cared for his friend and wanted nothing more than to help and not be seen as the shallow, vain and loud twink, he just wanted to be a friend.

Although this could be read as a stand alone, personally I think you definitely need to read The Good Boy first. This is an excellent extra to the book especially as Brin is a character you definitely want to know more about.

Link to Loose Id ~

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The Flesh Cartel #5: Wins and Losses (The Flesh Cartel Season 2: Fragmentation) - Heidi Belleau, Rachel Haimowitz Choices, Consequences and now we have Wins and Losses… More marvellous Mind Fuckery from my two favourite Authors

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Oh Nikolai, what an intriguing character you are! A man with the upmost confidence and determination, his foresight and vision are immovable. Nikolai has a plan and the details and pieces are strategically being put in place, he is stoically commanding and perfectly manipulating the action. Now, he is moving on to the next phase in his scheming and the boys are being taught yet another lesson and he is cleverly controlling the direction he wants their minds to embrace, to make decisions with the the out come in their own favour, yes, they will seem weak and humiliated by these decisions and no matter what, they will submit… but they themselves have the power to control the outcome, it is in their own hands as to whether it be a painful loss or a pleasurable win. The Choices and Consequences are the tools for them to have the power of winning or the despair of losing.

Dougie’s mind is now full of confusion, where truth becomes lies and guarantees become uncertainties, and those that you trust become the one’s who betray you. Dougie knows Nikolai has his own agenda but in his isolation, Nikolai is the only one to offer him comfort… but at a cost! Mat is still desperately trying to hold onto his pride and to Dougie, maintaining that without them his life is worthless but Nikolai is now clouding his forthright conviction, giving him alternatives without hope of fruition yet they may be the only thing that can keep him together…  In their isolation and separation, all they have left are the whisperings of a man who is a master at his own game of manipulation.

This episode has probably been the most mentally disturbing for me… Heidi and Rachel are really sending us to a place where my heart is hurting for these boys, I feel their loneliness and pain and I don’t like it! Nikolai’s mind games are evolving, a manipulation that is like a virus that is slowly spreading and is severing the tenuous threads connecting the brothers, creating doubt in isolation, reprogramming them… and it is agonising to watch. In Nikolai’s mind he is helping them, and I am sure that’s true but he is still a sadistic fuck! and so smug with it too… Grrr!!

Another cracking instalment to this series, you two lovely sadistic authors just blow me away every time I have these books in my hot little hands!

This ARC was provided by Riptide Publishing... Thank you, I think I love you!

For more review, please check out Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews and you can also find us on Facebook
Fettered - Lyn Gala Ms Gala, paints a vivid picture for every scene, delves deep into each character and tells a tale that will keep you enthralled and captivated from beginning to end… EXCELLENT!

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This book is FABULOUS and I LOVED it! Full of emotion, dark in places disturbing in others and peppered with humour and lines that had me laughing… and not forgetting the sizzling tantalisingly, delicious and tortuous sex!!! The plot is riveting, not for one moment was I skipping or did I become bored. The writing was amazing and the characters were brought to life by the written word… So. Very. Clever.  Their voices were clear and every nuance and idiosyncrasy played perfectly in my mind, they were totally three dimensional and like a sponge I soaked up every word and it pulled on all my heart strings.

As a child growing up, you perceive your life as normal. Even in a home that is full of love, that love can turn to blindness and it is not until you have more life experiences that you realise that what you thought of as normal is actually dysfunctional… and the children, well, they carry that baggage with them and somewhere along the line, something has to give!

Dilly Carter is 19 years old, his brother has been accused of rape, which has had a profound effect, not only on him but the family as a whole… they are fractured, near to breaking point and the strain of the impending court case is just exasperating matters. Carmin, his Sister, well she is all mouth engage before brain, his mother is bearing the burden of it all and seems to be the only one convinced of his innocence, his father, always one to keep the peace and not known for his forthrightness spends more time at work to pay for the Lawyers. And Dilly, the baby of the family who is an expert at avoiding confrontation and more akin to harmony than conflict feels guilt by association. Only Dilly’s troubles go deeper than that, he is aroused by the images he has seen on screen of the evidence against his brother, whips, gags ropes… they excite him! (OK, Rihanna S & M comes to mind here!) was he damaged in some way? a genetic anomaly that had affected both him and his Brother? … he had to find out!

Poor Dilly is all at sea, without a paddle and the sharks are circling… as soon as he enters the local BDSM Club Stonewall!  Miss Dolphinia! She is a larger than life character that I just adored, definitely not one to cross and she puts the shark’s in their place pronto. That is all except for... Vincenzo Hauser a Dom, dark, brooding, cold and emotionless and Dilly is totally out of his comfort zone, but his body’s curiosity is getting the better of him and he needs someone to sate the hunger thrumming through him. Vin is interested enough to provide a service for the inquisitive little subby who has no idea what he wants or needs but Vin certainly gives Dilly enough to convince him he has found it!

Vin is just gorgeous, well from his description and all the totally x rated visions that were flashing through my mind he was lush and certainly had me drooling and panting for more! He is also totally pissed off with Miss Dolphinia playing matchmaker. He has been hurt and betrayed in the past and it’s not somewhere his heart wants to go in a hurry, he certainly wasn’t looking for anything more than one or two nights of play because when Vin falls, he falls hard and fast, is controlling and manipulative, bordering on obsessive…  So instead he pushes Dilly away with his brutal honesty of exactly what he could expect.

These two characters are flawed and damaged totally at odds with themselves, but I love how the relationship grows and Dilly slowly breaks down Vin’s hard edges and wheedles his way into Vin’s life with a lot of help from the amazing Miss Delphinia… and the fact the he is as cute as his name suggests, too irresistible to be ignored, and Vin’s jealousy and over protective streak are not pretty either, something else for Miss Dephinia to take advantage of, and Oh… does. She!!  Dilly, see’s the danger in this dark, tall and handsome man, but Vin doesn’t scare him, somehow he completes him. What Dilly needs is for someone to take control, take away all the decisions, the hurt, pain and worry. He no longer wants to be the boy who’s job it is to fit in and not make waves, the one to maintain the status quo. He is such a sweet soul, innocently honest to Vin’s more brutal version, but he is lost and wants to fly, not have to think about it all, and every fibre of his being is calling on Vin to be the person to do it.

“I like that you do your own thing and don’t change for anyone. I like that you’re so unbending that maybe there’s room for me to fit myself in the cracks of your life because I like your cracks a lot more than the cracks I have been living in”

The BDSM in this is what they refer to as old school, so if you are looking for sugar kink BDSM or even the practices of safe words and in depth discussions… forget it! There was a point in this where I really wasn’t happy, where we had a scene with Dilly and Guard another Dom and it  was so annoyingly safe and sickly sweet I was so desperate to get the cocky, arrogant and moody Vin back on page, who may have been a sadist and an arse but he was a damn sexy one! As for the scenes between Dilly and Vin… well, suffice to say my hormones were definitely not the cause of my hot flushes!  I fell in love with these characters, they truly found a place in my heart as well as some of the secondary characters and I hope that Lyn Gala will bring us more from Stonewall as I can certainly see a book in Miss Delphinia! I am loving this old school BDSM and I really, really want more and a re-visit to see how Dylan and Vin are getting on would also be appreciated!

Thank you Ms Gala, I thoroughly enjoyed your book... loved every word!

For more review, please check out Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews and you can also find us on Facebook
Blood Red Butterfly - Josh Lanyon Beautiful Cover, but I just wasn’t feeling the characters…

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I was first attracted to this book a few weeks back when the cover was revealed on Facebook, and reading the blub my interest was piqued. I am not a Josh Lanyon aficionado like some other readers, but I do like a good crime thriller and romance combined with plenty of action in and out of the bedroom. Blood Red Butterfly starts out really well and I was engrossed in the investigation the suspect Micky Torres, his Alibi Kai Tashiro and of course the Homicide Detective Ryo Miller.

Ryo is unable to contain his frustration when all his instincts were telling him that Torres murdered the 70 year old Esther Martinez, a heinous crime, he is convinced was committed in revenge. Yet out of the blue Torres now has an alibi, a 24 year old femme dude, Kai Toshiro, someone he is familiar with only because his advances had been rejected on more than one occasion in the gay bar Fubar, giving Kai the nickname Ice Princess for his cold and aloof nature.The fact that he was giving Torres a convicted murderer and a suspect in the killing an alibi was only compounding his frustration even more, and he can’t quite understand what Torres has that he doesn’t!

Because of his conviction he wants to believe that the alibi is bogus yet his cops instinct tells him Kai is being truthful? but he is determined to prove otherwise!?! So he believes he is telling the truth but still believes Torres to be the murderer. A night at Fubar and his powers of persuasion get him a night with Kai, and this is where it falls apart for me, and gets very clouded and confusing as I felt it was no longer about the investigation but more about his ego. As a cop he makes some very bizarre decisions and his relationship with Kai to me was cold, lacking in passion and I wasn’t feeling any connection between them, the whole thing was impersonal! Kai is very angry and pissed off with the World and lives up to the name of Ice Princess, and what they have together was an extremely volatile relationship grounded on nothing! yet Ryo wants to give up everything for this man the second time they get together?

It took to reach the end of the book and sometime later for me to actually feel a connection with the characters,something I wanted much earlier on, and really it was just a conversation and an explanation of all the fuck ups, misunderstandings, and what had really been going on. But unfortunately it was all too late for me. I haven’t yet read a book from Mr Lanyon that I truly loved, it has nothing to do with his writing as I love the style so perhaps I really need to read one of his more popular books to experience him as others do.

I am sure other readers will love this and again, his writing is excellent but I was just unable to connect with the characters, I will not yet give up on Mr Lanyon but on this occasion, sorry, I just wasn’t feeling it!

So for the cover, writing, the beginning and the ending I give this 3 stars.

For more review, please check out Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews and you can also find us on Facebook
Games Boys Play - Fae Sutherland Fae Sutherland has delivered more fun, kinky sex and hilarious antics from the very sweet and zany Zach who always leaves a trail of glitter in his wake… love it!

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We last met Zach the very glittery and hilarious twink and Sergeant Stephen Miranda, Officer Hotness, the closet cop in Gambling on Maybe and I fell in love with them both, so I was excited to pick up the next in the series to see how these two loveable characters were getting on. Zach is such an uplifting character, his zany, wicked personality just lights up the pages, and Stevie is as dependable and adorable as ever, Fae Sutherland’s characterization is excellent these two are just perfect together, and I love Zach’s voice, I see him so clearly in my minds eye and he just makes me happy!

Zach understands the bigotry within the Police Force and understands the antiquated unwritten rules, so he is happy to hang out and have copious amounts of hot sex in his apartment, keeping their romance a secret is really not an issue, he is just happy to have his sexy cop all to himself. Only the very sparkly Zach likes to add that sparkle to their relationship and illicit visits to some less than salubrious Motels or seedy bathroom stalls for some quick fast fucks are just the trick to adding some spice into being the Officers dirty little secret!

Zach is a free spirit, no inhibitions and absolutely no apologies for his zest for life, quick wit and intellect along with his flamboyant nature and his insatiable appetite for sex. He also has a very short attention span, generally preferring for it all to be on him. So when he has an epiphany in the bathroom stall of a dirty public toilets in the middle of some very hot and forbidden sex, it proves to be a pivotal moment in their relationship and he realises that his big sexy officer hotness actually loves him and not only that but he loved him right back and that scared the holy shit out of him.

Stevie is an honourable, honest and caring man and Zach see’s him as worthy of being loved and as flighty and confident as Zach is, love is a whole new ball game and feeling vulnerable is not something he is familiar with. So, we have had the getting together, lots of kinky fuckery and now our two MC’s have found love… where will Fae Sutherland take us next?

I love this series, it is light entertainment and a pleasure to read and I will certainly be picking up the next book in the series.

For more review, please check out Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews and you can also find us on Facebook

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The Flesh Cartel #9: Trials and Errors (The Flesh Cartel Season 3: Transformation)
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