Left of Centre

This is an excellent read and I have fallen in love with Zathyn Priest, not only is he a fabulous cover designer, but he writes one helluva story! This is a novella and you can pretty much read it over coffee, but that doesn’t take away from the quality of the writing and the excellence of the character development. Zathyn priest brought the characters to life with both Brandon and Enigma/Lewis having very distinct voices. For the most part this book is hilarious and filled with witty dialog that will have you in stitches. But there is a twist to this tale and that will certainly bring a tear or two to your eyes, and this is the reason I read it twice… not only because I loved it but also the second time around you get a whole new perspective on things.
Brandon Faulkner is a man whore of epic proportions, vain, extremely selfish but ultimately charming. We meet Brandon doing a midnight flit from the house of a one night stand and gets stopped by the Police. Luckily for him the Police Officer saw the funny side of Brandon not being in possession of shoes, shirt or trousers!
Brandon has joined Crystalline Court, an on-line site specifically for kinks from Goth to Glitter and everything in between. And with Brandon being such a player he has lined up three dates which for him and his overinflated ego just means more sex!
Enigma is beautiful and his violet eyes had somehow entranced Brandon and he had only one thing on his mind and he was determined to use his full arsenal of cheesy charms to get it. Enigma is exactly as his name suggests and was totally unimpressed by Brandon, in fact he was actually quite rude and it was lovely to see Brandon squirm under Enigmas direct antagonism… I loved it! In my minds eye the very disgruntled Brandon was perplexed, his seduction and sweet talk was falling on deaf ears! and he was more accustomed to his ego as well as other parts being masturbated only Enigma was bashing it, actually… it was more like pulverising! His next two dates with the seven ft tall giant Rapture and Enigmas twin brother Chaos turned out to more disastrous than the first!
Brandon is attracted to Enigma, I know, shocked!! and I loved how this part of the story progressed when we saw a different side to Bandon and I was actually impressed with how compassionate and understanding he was, especially with Enigma/Lewis who absolutely stole my heart, I am actually tearing up writing this he is such an adorable character, he may be a little wacky and unpredictable but he is intelligent and funny and so very generous of heart and Brandon embraced his personality.
Brandon is a vet and there was a part in this book where I just wanted to quote the whole scene when Enigma/Lewis when he takes his pet fish Fluffles to Brandon. It was one of the most hilarious scenes I have read and as much as I would like to share it… you need to read the book! I will however share this scene that made me cry.
“Look at him.” Lewis held the bag up. “He has Scoliosis. No one else would’ve bought a fish with Scoliosis, would they? He’d have stayed in the pet store until he died because people only want perfect ones. If you hadn’t thrown my fish tank out, I could’ve put him in there. I could’ve made a nice home for the faulty fish no one else wants and they wouldn’t have to grow old and die in a public fish tank”
I love Zathyn Priests style of writing and even more so, the fact that he managed to engage me in such a short book to the point where I was totally invested in these characters and now I only wish he would write more as I have purchases all of his other works I will have to space them out to give him time to catch me up!
According to Zathyn, he is working on a sequel that should be available before the end of the year. WooHoo!
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