I am already a huge fan of Heidi Belleau and I was interested to see how the dynamics would work with an author I was unfamiliar with… well, I needn't have worried. This is the first book in a series and I have to say, it has great potential and I am excited to see where they will take us next, especially if like me you are into the kinkier side of m/m romance, I must say, before I realised it was a series and I got to the end I did think… What! …Where’s the rest??? …flipping to the end hoping to find more! Now I know this is a series, I am all kinds of happy and I am actually quite astonished that Heidi and Amelia could keep our attention for 45 pages when the whole novella was played out in a men’s changing room ..but believe me they did! This was a fun read and I cannot wait to meet the enigmatic Carson… OMG, he managed to influence his power and charm even via text message, HOLY HOTNESS… I certainly need more of The Professor!
James Sheridan is out of touch with life, so when his sister bails on a shopping trip to find an outfit for a presentation… he is clueless! Luckily for him he has the very attentive shop assistant, Satish on hand for advice, however when he inadvertently sends a picture of himself to the man he hadn't seen for two years instead of his poorly Sister, he feels both sick and elated when he gets a reply! James had decided enough was enough and had finished the relationship with the man who had been his Professor, Mentor and Master, but Carson had turned his life around just when he had needed it, and in more ways than one, it was something he would forever be grateful for. He had given him discipline and helped him focus… and the need to please The Professor had given him the confidence that had helped him succeed… something that had been missing from his life ever since. Now he was self conscious and anxious of the unknown and maybe he still needed Carson, but this time on his own terms!
The relationship and where they go from here is going to be interesting, James had ended it because he felt he was being pushed too hard and too fast and the issues which transpired were really due to lack of communication… but mostly, it was James perception of himself and his need to please his Master which was compelling and all consuming, resulting in his inability to say no or even safe word… which his mind perceived as failure…. so in reality he had set his own boundaries, but had not discussed it with Carson!
I loved how James’s whole head space and attitude changed with Carson…. via text message he manipulated and pushed James in a clever mind game involving a very hot salesmen and some inventive play in a changing room. At the moment I feel like I have a lot of questions and I can’t wait to watch all the answers unfold… Carson has me drooling already so his character definitely needs more page time as far as I’m concerned! I absolutely loved this short, but more for the promise it holds and if it continues along the same vein of hot sex with an undercurrent of humour I can see it being a favourite of mine. Bravo ladies… and an excellent start to a series, please don’t make me wait too long for the next one!!!
A copy of this book was provided by Riptide Publishing Via NetGalley
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