Rough Canvas (Nature of Desire, #6)

I started reading this book and was immediately drawn into the pages by the excellent writing of JWH, her prose flows beautifully, painting a vivid picture, immersing you into the book, grabbing tight and not letting go. Even when you have read the very last word and closed your Kindle, these characters are still with you.
Initially, I thought this would be a BDSM novel that revolves around the club scene and although we do have a glimpse of this, in the sexually intense scenes in chapter 8 and 9 (be warned, not for the feint hearted) this book is so much more than that.
This is the the story of Marcus, Master and Gallery Owner and Thomas, Slave and Aspiring Artist.
In brief, Thomas leaves New York, his life with Marcus and his life's passion of becoming an acclaimed artist behind, to return home to North Carolina when his Father falls ill. His Father dies then his brother has an accident with a tractor and is left crippled and in a wheelchair. This leaves Thomas no other alternative. As the eldest brother he is honour bound by his sense of duty and responsibility to those he loves to stay home and endure his new role as the Head of the family, taking control and running the Hardware Store, trying to live up to their expectations, not wanting to disappoint.
Without Marcus his Master, Thomas is a lost soul, existing rather than living, conforming, doing what is deemed to be right by his family and society.....but inside Thomas is drowning in his misery for what he really wants and needs. His submissive nature is taken advantage of by his bible thumping, religious, bigoted Mother and his bitter and broken Brother, who wallows in his own self pity. These two seriously had me considering anger management classes I was so cross!!!
12 months later Marcus walks into the store.....And. onto. the. page. of. my. Kindle......a vision of beauty, perfect in every way, he demands attention with a look alone, the culture and elegance of a GQ model and an arrogant confidence of knowing he gets what he wants!!...The epitome of a dominant, oozing sexuality from every pore and what he wants is......Thomas. At this point a very sexy Mr Gandy popped into my head.....Fan!!! Mister!!! Cold shower!!!...OK, I'm good.

Thomas is in awe of Marcus (still drooling!!) This modest farm boy who is quite and shy and ill at ease with strangers, puts his Master on a pedestal to be worshipped, happy to be a slave at his perfect feet. He wants to be consumed by him, Marcus completes him, he wants nothing more than to serve him....desperate to obey his Master's will.
But....his sense of duty to the family that depends on him alone stops him from realising his own passions and dreams of becoming an accomplished artist in his own right, holding onto his heart, trying to protect himself from the pain and the deep ache inside he has had since leaving New York. Knowing if he lets down his guard, he will be lost to all that is....Marcus.
Marcus needs Thomas, just as much as Thomas needs Marcus. Thomas's artistic talent leaves him breathless, his survival is dependent on Thomas...he needs him, loves him, wants him in his life. But, succumbing to this and sharing his vulnerability would destabilise him. He needs to use all his strength and control to try to keep Thomas......the man that holds his heart and life in his hands.
As a reader, we have an insight to both characters POV, giving us a window in which to gaze at their inner most thoughts, fears and delights, with neither of them aware of the complexities, deep emotion and the darkness buried deep within, that they are trying to keep hidden from each other. They cannot however, hide the emotional connection and the sexual tension that jumps off the pages and into your heart. They are lost souls needing each other, fitting together perfectly, their souls so intertwined that without each other they will never be whole. There is such a tenderness and beauty between them that it often brought me to tears, ripped me up and tore me own heart breaking seeing the overwhelming love and devotion they have for each other.
This book is not all intense and dramatic, the Master/Slave relationship is in the bedroom, out of it there is a lot of humour between the two MC and the amazing cast of secondary characters. Kathy and Walter Briggs, I want them as my Grandparents...I just fell in love with them and Julie well, she has a wicked sense of humour and I want her as my new bestie.
Authors Note.....Yes, I had to read it right to the very end!!!! Joey W Hill in her Authors Note, describers her writing as giving the reader a moment of magic through written words. Ms Hill, truer words have never been said.......Thank you for my moment of magic, it was truly AMAZING.