Someday It Will Be by S.A. McAuley

I am not going to recommend this book Someday it Will be from S.A. McAuley… I am going to IMPLORE you to read it… seriously READ THIS BOOK!!! It’s short, a novella and it will take little over an hour of your time but the experience will stay with you… there are probably only three or four other books this year that have had such a huge impact that I want the world and their wife to read it… I will beg if I have to!!!
I could never do this book justice, never in a million years, my words are totally inadequate to be able to describe the beauty and emotion that is contained within the 49 pages of this book… quite simply it is the most emotional book I have read… ever! It touched a place in my heart and it was full, fit to bursting… yet broken at the same time. I know I am a wuss when it comes to emotional reads but this book is, in my humble opinion…phenomenal. The writing is just exquisite, I love this author and although her style is probably not for everyone, to me it creates an atmosphere that kept me engaged, whole heartedly engrossed in the authors voice and the characters that she creates. Her words are fluid on the pages of the book, her prose stunning, it is seductive and enticing with a haunting quality to it at times that brought me to tears. We are treated to snippets of Poe and Isaac’s lives in flashbacks, captivating in their own right, but the final picture, when all those beautiful, heartfelt emotional and engaging pieces come together… the result is stunning and the powerful feelings it evokes… overwhelming! I literally sobbed my heart out, and continued to tear up throughout the evening as my thoughts wondered back to these two characters and even now, writing my review I have a scrunched up soggy tissue in my hand!
This isn’t a full novel that gives you their whole in depth life story, but you get the salient points, the points that matter to that moment on the beach …could it have been a full novel rather than a novella?… yes, and it would have been brilliant! But the periods of their lives that we share is what gives this book it’s impact.
In all seriousness I can’t tell you about the in’s and out’s ofSomeday It Will Be as it is most definitely one that needs to be experienced, the scenes and the characters are revealed in layers, their fears, hurt, pain, the desolation of loneliness, the retrospection on a life wasted and that pain ebbing away, replaced by hope, and for the first time happiness only to be snatched away all too soon… At the age of eighteen, Artie became Poe and Poe’s life was one of self destruction and hopelessness but the love between Artie and Isaac is one that transcends time, there is a thread that binds them and as tenuous as it may be, it will never be broken.
“You’ve never gotten it, Artie. You are the strong one of the two of us. The person I always aspired to be. You were given garbage—“
“And I made shit”
“No” Isaac shook his head. “You survived”
Someday It Will Be gives us a moment of undefined selflessness, the most altruistic act of love and friendship you could bestow on another being and Isaac had given all of himself for the fourteen years they were apart to make sure that temporal shift in time occurred, so that Poe was on that beach at that time to influence a change that would impact both their lives, but it was never about Isaac, he had had the trappings of wealth and everything a privileged life and educated background could give him… but none of that mattered, because all he had ever wanted or cared about in life was… Artie.
This book has a paranormal, science fiction, fantasy tag, but It’s none of those per se, because I know it would immediately put a lot of readers off this book… and I don’t want that to happen. Isaac has a gift, It’s not common knowledge in the contemporary world they live in, and this book is totally character driven, there is no world of wonders and Isaac’s gift is not magic or flashy but he can manipulate objects and minds, it’s a gradual process, understated and one which unfortunately does not work on Poe, and one which also sadly comes at a cost. It’s like being able to have a wish and putting all your energy and effort into it to make it so, it’s the stuff of dreams, where we would all love to be able to go back and fix that one defining moment in time… impossible, but just imagine how wonderful that moment would feel if we could.
“So if you’re not like Magneto or the Professor—which I’m totally disappointed about, by the way—then is it like a genie in a bottle? Wait. Do you know how to move like Christina Aguilera? If so, you’ve been holding out on me. We could take this show on the road.”
The love Isaac and Poe have for each other is quite profound, the intimacy and passion totally mind blowing and conveys all they feel, the sex… well, Ms McAuley certainly has a way with words especially when it comes to those lust filled moments… I only have to imagine Poe, tattooed and pierced and Isaac, conventional with his blond hair and I am all a fluster… these two men are hot, smouldering and delicious.
Their journey is not all heart break and sadness there is also a sprinkling of humour which only endeared me to them more… the other thing I would like to stress… it is a HEA, but the road there is a sad, painful and tumultuous one, yet filled with so much love and hope… and I will read this again and again, making sure the tissues are at the ready… and a glass of wine, oh, and comfort food, preferably chocolate… haha, any excuse for chocolate!
Without warning Isaac swallowed him down to the hilt and Poe arched off the bed, unable to hold back the oaths of worship that fell from his lips. Isaac was everywhere around and in him all at once—his scent, his skin, his breath—and Poe was wholly alive. Free and yet owned completely. Loved.
You know that feeling, when before you even get to the end of the first page of a book and you just know you are reading something special… no, not just special, exquisite, sublime and beautiful, where you can feel your emotions start to stir, compounded by the vice like grip on your heart and the anticipation of more to come, when you just want to absorb and savour every moment… for fear it will all come to an end far too quickly… Well, that is what S.A. McAuley gave me withSomeday It Will Be… and all with words so lovingly blended together to create a read that is a MUST.